Thursday, March 5, 2020

ESOL Learn English through Literature, Film Pop Culture

ESOL Learn English through Literature, Film Pop Culture Literature, Film and Popular Culture: Free ESOL Courses Lessons at your Fingertips ChaptersEnglish learning through LiteratureHow to Learn English by Watching FilmsListen to the Radio to Improve English ComprehensionPopular Culture, Featuring EnglishLearn English Online via PodcastsUnless you've dwelt on a remote island for the last ten years or so, you could hardly miss the global influence of English language entertainment in all forms.Movies, music, and books now have the freedom to travel globally, more or less without restrictions, thanks to the World Wide Web. Even classic literature such as Lord of the Rings and Wuthering Heights are devoured and discussed by students of English everywhere!In some countries â€" not just Britain, J. K. Rowling and Harry Potter are household names.Even though some great music comes out of African nations, the Caribbean and Asia, overwhelmingly, the singers' names on people's lips the world over are either American or British: Taylor Swift and Adele being examples of such.How does this abundance of entertainment help you learn English? Let's find out!Librivox. Neither site costs any money. Jane Austin, the renegade writer of her time, is currently enjoying a resurgence of popularity. Her novels have seldom been out of print, even though most of her work was published more than two hundred years ago.She only wrote six books, but they have often been turned into movies, sometimes with modern themes.Watching films is an entertaining way to learn English (Source: Pixabay Credit: Geralt)How to Learn English by Watching FilmsMovies give you a triple exposure to the English language and its culture: listening, reading (if you have subtitles turned on) and seeing how the actors are speaking.Native English speakers make exaggerated mouth movements to teach their children how to form words properly. Actors copy that technique in order to enunciate â€" speak each word clearly.You can benefit from actors' diligence by imitating the way their mouths move, as well as their tone and inflection.Arguably the best movie of all time is Citizen Kane. Although a product of American movie studios, even the British Film Institute finds it top-notch.This film is notable for, among other things, extended monologues â€" one person talking at length.Although American cinema is quite popular the world over, both their classic movies and new releases, Britain herself is famous for a substantial number of hits.Do you like comedy? Monty Python movies highlight social absurdity.How about action and intrigue? James Bond is the man for you.Would you like a dose of sorcery? Two words suffice: Harry Potter.Movies, especially new releases, are a great way to pick up on slang and idioms. Pause the movie to write them down for later study!Be sure to use them in conversation once you have mastered them, preferably with native speakers of English.Sites such as Primewire permit you to watch movies for free online, but they do not include subtitles. Still, watching them can help you improve your English comprehension as well as sharpen your listening skills. You might be surprised to know that many Esl teachers recommend watching movies in English. Some teachers even show films in class! One film you might watch if you are taking English courses is The King's Speech, the true story of George VI, who was expected to address the British public via radio. However, his spoken English was marred by a terrible stammer!He employed a speech tutor to improve his speaking skills. After several lessons, he became proficient in English conversation, speaking with a fluency that belied his speaking problem. Naturally, his first broadcast was a hit.You can copy the king's determination to achieve fluent speech by using some of the techniques shown in that movie. programmed to help you learn and improve your English. If you are preparing for Ielts or you wish to develop your business English skills, you can visit their site to get helpful study  hints, take quizzes and register to learn Business English online. Learn about how English can benefit your career in business here.Seek out icons of pop culture to help you learn English (Source: Pixabay Credit Geralt)Popular Culture, Featuring EnglishTo date, Dr. Who has been broadcast in fifty countries around the world â€" from Algeria to Zambia, a country for just about every letter of the alphabet.The Mysterious Doctor, as he is known in China, has such a loyal, global fan base that the show has endured for more than fifty years.He is the crown jewel of English television!Strange as it sounds, the appeal of this face-changing alien lies in his being so down to earth. He even helps non native speakers learn English! Beware, though: not everything The Doctor says is general English. Tardis is an acronym describing his flying machine, and nouns such as Dalek and Cybermen do not describe real creatures.The Doctor uses a lot of slang, and the idiom features heavily in his speech, as do similes.The British Council records podcasts for English learners ( Source: Pixabay Credit: Florante Valdez)Learn how to make English learning easy with our guide to simplifying ESOL Courses.Learn English Online via PodcastsNothing is more fashionable than boarding the tube or bus with earbuds in. You might listen to music, but more and more these days, people are downloading and listening to podcasts to learn English online.Podcasts are short monologues or discussions that you can download from the Internet and listen to as often as you'd like. You can subscribe to a podcast (usually for free) and receive new segments as soon as they are available.Here again the British Council serves its non native community, through their Learn English podcasts. Rather than broadcast on random topics, such as the significance of  prepositional phrases and the proper use of pronouns, each segment is a continuation of the previous lesson involving the same native speakers, who are engaged in ordinary, everyday activities.Subscribing to these podcasts can help you:u nderstand verbs and their tenses, and conjugate properlylearn the difference between an adjective and an adverbrealize the importance of proper punctuationimprove your vocabularyunderstand and use comparatives and superlativesstudy tricky grammar rulesThe English speaking on these recordings is standard Oxford English, spoken clearly and relatively slowly, so that you can follow along â€" the perfect way to improve your English pronunciation.Besides recordings, there are transcripts of the podcast conversations for you to print out and follow along. Doing so will greatly increase your reading proficiency.Copying the podcast text is a great way to improve your writing skills!Books, movies, music and television: a treasure trove of materials that you, who are learning English as a second language can use in your English learning adventure and make English learning fun.Get access to online educational materials and university education with the English language.

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